I’ll be there for you (for me)

I’ll be there for you (for me)

Spectacle de danse

Durée 1h20
Charleroi danse January 30 and 31, 2025
Atelier210 from February 14 to 22, 2025

I’ll be there for you (for me) explores Western self-culture and our need for collectivity. Confessing her ambiguity about the prevailing system (ca-pi-ta-lism), her desire to be part of it, her fears of leaving it and the despondency it provokes, Lorena Spindler invites performers to explore these contradictions. Drawn from a variety of (in)disciplines - contemporary dance, hip-hop, breakdance, sabar, theater (...) - the group offers a trans-disciplinary performance that is perfectionist-creative-cute-care-egotrip-communitarian. 

Thanks to their regenerating presences, she shakes up the anxiety-inducing, isolating yet attractive fable of life based on self-realization. On the lookout for the system's recuperation of our struggles for ever greater power, she looks for possible dissidences in our complicit relationships, our invocations of joy, our practices of danced listening and our shared sweetnesses. 

“If I'm there for you, will you be there for me?”

· Concept, writing, direction : Lorena Spindler  · Co-writer and co-director : Antonin Compère · Performance : Brenda Boote Bidal, Mélissa Diarra, Naïm Belhaloumi, Jules Rozenwajn, Justine Theizen · Lighting design and control : Lou van Egmond  · Sound creation : Gabriel Govea Ramos · Video creation : Dimitri Petrovic · Chorégraphie : Antonin Compère, Brenda Boote Bidal, Juliette Mello, Lorena Spindler, Mélissa Diarra, Naïm Belhaloumi, Jules Rozenwajn, Justine Theizen · Dramaturgie : Agathe/Yamina Meziani · Scénographie : Micha Morasse · Stylisme : Justine Struye. 

Thanks to : Adeline Rosenstein, Alphonse Eklou Uwantege, Ama Brussels France Morin, le BAMP, le Bocal, Bostem Studio, Casimir Pesztat, Cyriel Lucas, Diana David, Élodie Gérard, Iles Asbl, Juliette Mello, Lara Chanel, Léo Patissier, Lila Magnin, Louis Shungu, Mestizo Arts Platform/WIPCOOP, les Meutes, Ravie. Production déléguée : atelier210 · Coproduction : atelier210, Charleroi danse, Théâtre Varia, La coop asbl. Avec l’aide de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles – Service de la danse. Avec le soutien de Taxshelter.be – ING & Tax Shelter du Gouvernement fédéral belge, les Meutes asbl, Garage 29.

AMA Brussels (France Morin).

Contact : france.morin@amabrussels.org

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