Duration 35 min
Inside and outside version
Charleroi danse, La Raffinerie
19th and 20th june 2021
KVS on October 27, 2022 (Wipcoop)
The inspiration for free dance escape came from a TikTok challenge. Converted on a large scale, it became the basis for a choreographic space at the crossroads of dance practice and the search for a profound connection between people.
The show questions what has become of our relationship with others. Online, users are said to be connected. The project looks at this notion of "connection" and what it means in the real world. -We lost connection ?
Dancers from a variety of (in)disciplines move through a playful, emotional choreographic space. Concerned with an individualistic system that has lost the notions of empathy and collective feeling, free dance escapee sees itself as a relational experience between individuals and duos, between self and group, and attempts to distinguish connection from its ersatz.
Together on stage, they explore possible elsewhere, the new zones of a world in transformation.
Le projet est conçu sous forme modulable : « Free dance escape » est la version collective du projet à six performeur·x·euse·s.
« Seeing » est la version duo du projet. Le projet navigue donc entre performance collective et duo.
Conception & choreography : Lorena Spindler
Artistic collaboration : Juliette Mello
Cast (alternately) : Naim Belhaloumi, Brenda Boote, Hugo Chanel, Lila Magnin, Juliette Mello, Jules Rozenwajn, Justine Theizen
Mello, Jules Rozenwajn, Léa Vinette
Production musicale et dj (en alternance) : Léo Patissier, Louis Shungu
Serigraphy : Louise Vandevorst, Aliocha Tazi, Swan Jouan, Maverick Le Deuff
Stylism : Alphonse Eklou
Clothing design : Bostem Studio, Zoé Van den Boogaerde
Support : Charleroi Danse, le Bocal, Les Meutes, Iles Asbl, Suitcase Artist Project, Ravie Asbl, AMA Brussels, Mestizo Art Platform (Wipcoop), Fond Famille Goethuys-Deheel, Garage29
Photography : Élodie Gérard
En cours de réécriture